Thought Switching: Control Anxiety, Depression and Negative Self Talk for Teens

About This Tool

Being a teenager is hard and there are so many demands to navigate. Friendships, family, dating and social media can all contribute to triggers for anxiety and depression and negative self talk. These emotions and negative thoughts left to build on themselves can lead to self harm, self destructive behaviors, deeper depression and panic attacks. This short worksheet was created with teens in mind to help them switch their thoughts and feel more at peace. It gives a brief explanation of how the negative cycle works, how to get out of it and an example to use the worksheet. The worksheet can be printed as many times as needed. It can be taken to your therapist if you like or shown to a trusted person to check your thought process.

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Why It Works

This is based on two very well researched styles of therapy: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy).

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Why It Works

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