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Struggling to deal with your anxiety?
It's completely normal to experience anxiety sometimes but when it starts to impact the quality of your life and your ability to complete every day tasks, it's time to do something about it. So if you're looking for a way to take control of your anxiety then check out this tool.
This workbook provides an opportunity to develop your awareness and understanding of your anxiety, where it comes from and how to manage it. As a result of completing this workbook you will:
- learn how anxious you are
- gain an understanding of what causes your anxiety
- consider 10 anxiety management techniques and decide which you want to implement moving forwards
- understand how your thinking patterns could be worsening your anxiety and how to change this
- create a self management plan so you're able to safely manage your anxiety long term
- complete an action plan to help get yourself back to feeling like the old you
Plus, as a bonus, the workbook includes a progress review form which will help you embed these things into your mindset to help you manage your anxiety not just in the short term but in the long term too.
Tools built using certified cognitive behaviour therapy and personal performance coaching principles.