About This Tool

Intuitive Mandala Drawing: Conversations with your unconscious

Self-discovery and healing is the most profound journey we can take. At every change point and challenge, we have the opportunity to be in tune with our inner selves and create our lives from that understanding.

Intuitive drawing allows our unconscious to communicate with us through shapes, colors, and symbols.

No art skills needed! Only minimal supplies to get started.

Intuitive mandala drawing is about self expression and revealing hidden emotions, blocks and paths for healing.

When you learn the secret language of the unconscious you find integration, insights, self-discovery, creativity, clarity and focus, and transformation.

Don't wait to get started!



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Why It Works

Intuitive mandala drawing is based on Dalena's over 30 years in the field of mental health, Junian psychology, and Joan Kellog's MARI (mandala assessment research instrument).

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Why It Works

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