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One of the most common complaints couples have when they enter my office, especially since March of 2020, is that they've lost their spark and don't know how to get it back. Well, there are lots of reasons this could be happening, but one of the most common is that you get stuck in a rut. You have kids and demanding jobs and all this requires routine from which you dare not deviate. But with all that sameness comes the lack of a spark. The antidote?
With this download, you will receive 25 ideas to help increase the novelty in your relationship. Some of them require breaking out of that strict routine, but others simply ask you to pay closer attention. What will you notice when you're extra tuned-in to your partner?
This tool was created for use in my self-paced, cheaper-than-therapy Premarital Counseling Education Course.
World-renowned couples therapist Esther Perel traveled the globe asking couples when they felt the most drawn to their partners, and the answer that came up over and over again was "when I get to watch my partner doing something they're passionate about." That's where the paying-attention activities come from in this checklist. When we notice the little things that make our partner who they are, it re-ignites that spark because we see them as their own individual entity again. Not as a function of this relationship you've grown so used to, but as their own person.