About This Tool

When we feel anxious or scattered is it often because we are focusing our mind and energy on the past or the future. This gentle guided meditation will assist you to return to present and feel calm, peaceful and centered. If you have listened to this before and want to skip directly to the meditation without the introductory preparation, it starts at 1:38. The entire video meditaiton is 12:27 minutes. Perfect for a quick recentering and break in what may be a stressful day. Use it to refocus and be more productive at work and home.

I hope you find this helpful and return to use it again and again. You may wish to also use this before sleep.


Please feel free to visit my website for therapeutic digital resources, information about my private 1:1 and group counseling and music therapy services. www.dalenawatson.com

Video images and music credits www.pixabay.com

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Why It Works

Meditation is proven to reduce stress and anxiety which promotes clarity of thought, inner peace, decreased inflammation, lower heartrate, lower blood pressure and a healing response in the body.

Other benefits include:

  • new perspectives and insights
  • sense of balance and peace
  • increased self-awareness
  • decrease in negative emotions
  • increased patience and compassion
  • increased creativity

Reference: Mayo clinic: Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress, April 29, 2022, online article.

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Why It Works

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