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Food Freedom and Body Liberation is a mini-course for those struggling with disordered eating (dieting, restricting, and/or bingeing) and body image issues. I'll walk you through the steps I took to heal my own relationship with food and my body with writing prompts and activity challenges to help you reflect on the beliefs you have about food and eating, identify where these beliefs come from and how they're getting in your way, and learn how to dismantle these beliefs so that you can find food freedom and body liberation.
This course is for you if: you feel out of control around food, constantly think about food, obsess over your eating decisions, and wish eating could be simple again. This course is for you if you doubt your ability to make good decisions for your body, engage in behaviors that are harmful to your body, and rely on other people for health and nutritional guidance. This course is for you if you want to find food freedom and learn to trust your body again. This course is for you if you want to learn how to reject diet culture and celebrate body diversity. This course is for you if you've tried everything else and still can't find peace with food or your body.
I've poured so much love into this course. I rant about how diet culture has tricked us into believing their lies about health and beauty, give you helpful information about how restricting doesn't actually work the way you think it does, basically walk you through healing your relationship with food and your body as I would a client in my office with the writing prompts I provide, and guide you through activity challenges to help you put into action the things you're learning. You get 41 pages of information that MAY CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
I can't tell you how long it'll take you to get through the course. Everyone will go at their own pace and I'd encourage you to take your time with it. There are ten "steps" I walk you through to finding food freedom and body liberation. I'd recommend taking your time with each step and spending extra time on ones you're having difficulty with. Your relationship to food and your body has been years in the making; it won't change overnight. Be patient with the process and with yourself.
This course was heavily influenced by books that were developed for those struggling with disordered eating, and body image issues. Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size are two of the books I pulled the majority of my information from. Personal experience has also heavily influenced this course. I have struggled myself with disordered eating and body image issues and have found freedom by doing the personal work I encourage you to do in this course.