Assess Your Stress: An Intervention for Distance Learning & Telehealth

About This Tool


Stress is a natural part of life and some stress can actually be healthy and good for us. However, too many stressors and/or too few effective strategies for coping with stress cause unhealthy stress. We developed this tool for social-emotional learning and for counseling/therapy.  Using this tool we help clients/students to 1) accurately identify the sources of stress (the stressors) in their lives and 2) measure their personal stress level, assessing where they fall on the healthy-unhealthy stress continuum.


1. Teach the client/student about the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress and the role of coping strategies in responding to stressors.

2. Introduce the “Stressometer” as a tool to differentiate and describe: a) levels of stress and b) success in using coping strategies.

3. Help the client/student identify situations in their lives that cause stress, both healthy and unhealthy. In making these identifications, they practice differentiating facts from thoughts.

4. Lead the client/student through an assessment (Assess Your Stress).

5. Bonus Activity: Top 4 Stress Busters

If the client/student has revealed significant levels of stress, it is important to follow up by helping them find ways to

• eliminate or transform some of the stressors in their life;

• learn some healthy methods of coping with stress. Top 4 Stress Busters can be used to introduce them to four categories of coping strategies.

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Why It Works

This tool is a hands-on, visual intervention that make the principles Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) more accessible and easier to understand.

What is CBT?  

CBT is based on the Cognitive Model of Emotional Response.

  • The underlying theory is that our feelings and behaviors arise from our perceptions (or thoughts), rather than from external things like people or situations.
  • With practice, we can become more aware of our internal language (thoughts/perceptions).
  • By changing our internal language when it is inaccurate and/or unhelpful, we can also transform our own unhelpful emotions and behaviors, even if the situation remains unchanged.

What are some reasons to utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

  •  Short term, time-limited
  • Research-backed, evidence-based
  • Long-term benefits: Because it is educational, the strategies learned can continue to be utilized even after therapy ends
  • For children, the educational nature of CBT means that parents and teachers can learn CBT concepts along with the children, and then support the children as they apply the concepts in their day-to-day lives. 
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Why It Works

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