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Rick Westby Therapy

  • Therapist

  • Master's General counseling; Addiction; Mindfulness

  • In practice since 2013

  • On Mindstead since 2020

  • Maricopa, Arizona, United States of America

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About This Practitioner

Hi, I’m Rick.

I spend my time engaged in healing conversations with people of all walks of life - helping them identify ways to move forward and empowering them for the journey we call ‘life’. My mission is to be a peaceful, supportive, and therapeutic partner where quality care can be delivered and received, positively impacting you  - and the people and community around you. I seek to provide quality services in today’s high-deductible low-coverage world at an affordable price – allowing you to just show up and learn to be your best self. I honor your time, your money, and your mental health. With a ton of personal experience and education, I am honored to meet with people every day and I find your best life as interesting to me as it is to you.

I am a casual therapist who takes your desire to up-level seriously and, in a spirit of partnership, I help you find peace in whatever turmoil brings us together, so you can address that turmoil - and the needed changes - with strength.

If you’ve felt like you’re alone on this journey called “life”, you’re in the right place. I’ve worked with hundreds of people over the past ten years, and bring expertise, experience, compassion, humor, and wisdom into session to help you gain an understanding of what a more successful life can look like - so you can have hope to get you past whatever trips you up.

Our therapy relationship will empower you for the next part of your journey.

Here’s the fun facts about me:

I am a Dane lover! My wife and I live in a Tiny Home and when people see us walking Chole, our 6 year old Great Dane, they laugh about how such a large animal can live with us. The crazy thing about Danes is that they are lazy. Big dog syndrome – where’s my food, where’s my bed? She gets several walks a day but is only good for about one zoomie.

I am an Easy Rider! My favorite pastime is riding and taking care of my 2013 Road King Classic. I love to get out on the road both alone and with my girl. We spend lots of time sightseeing and finding new places to enjoy. We’ve about ran out of new Arizona destinations and are looking at expanding our journeys nationally.

My adult children adopted me! I fell in love with my bride late in life and she gifted me with two pre-teen bonus children. After a perilous several years and with a lot of love and acceptance on all sides, they got together and asked me to be their Daddio. Much tears were shed the day the judge pronounced me ‘Dad’ to my 25 year old son and my 22 year old daughter.

My life with Her! We knew from the moment we first met. Yes, that cliche. What I didn’t see coming was the chaos of blending a stepfamily, loving ex-in-laws, understanding the fierce love she has for everyone (including Charles Manson), and her incredibly independent personality. Through her, I have learned the power of the Five Love Languages, the magic of following the footsteps of children, and how to hear the story everyone carries. I am thankful for all of it.

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Other Tools from Rick Westby Therapy

Anxiety/Depression Assessment