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I have been meditating for 20 years. I’ve tried a number of traditions and found that no one approach has worked for me perfectly, but through experimentation I have found combinations that work wonders. The exercises in my shop speak to some of these non-traditional forms of meditation that I have developed through mixing and matching ancient forms. I hope they work for you, too. I often think about the monks that started these practices thousands of years ago. They lived in isolation in beautiful, if sparse, settings. They didn’t have the complications of modern life: no bills or bosses, spouses or children, definitely no social media. I think it’s important to remember that and be open in experimenting with approaches in order to understand what works best for each of us living in today’s world in all its awe as well as all of its distractions. Each of us is different, but all of us can benefit from meditation in one of its many forms.