Lara Wellman (The Biz Studio) Logo

Lara Wellman (The Biz Studio)

  • Business Coach

  • Bachelor's Psychology

  • In practice since 2016

  • On Mindstead since 2020

  • Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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About This Practitioner

I am a Certified Business Coach who believes small business owners can make more money, love the work they do and still having time to enjoy their lives!

Through coaching, group programs, workshops and events, I help business owners get the clarity they need to take the right action for them and their business.

I believe it's time to stop believing in the "hustle harder" mindest and start believing that doing more of what you love, taking care of yourself, honouring your boundaries, and building a life that you love can help you get clarity on what business action to take when, and why it will get you to your goals without having to burn out to get there. 

I want business owners to stop being frustrated, overwhelmed, and underpaid, and I want them to start believing in themselves and all of the potential there is for them to create change and provide value in the world.

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Additional Credentials

Public Relations Diploma, Algonquin College, 2002


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Other Tools from Lara Wellman (The Biz Studio)

Building a life you love (for business owners)