Harmony Therapy Group Logo

Harmony Therapy Group

  • Counselor

  • Master's Counselor Education; Community Counseling

  • In practice since 2009

  • On Mindstead since 2020

  • Ashburn, Virginia, United States of America

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About This Practitioner

Sometimes even the smartest and most capable women I know feel stuck. It could be moving beyond an issue in a relationship, anxiety, perfectionism or it could be an eating disorder or traumatic memory. You may feel like you are underperforming in life and relationships or just completely overwhelmed with everything going on.  When we do not have the social support we need or just not sure how to use our social support, it can be helpful to talk to a professional and get objective feedback.  To be asked thought provoking questions. To get ideas with how to move forward and start thriving in life!


This is my jam.  I love working with women who are perfectionists, who are working on eating disorder recovery or trying to approach trauma in a brave way.  Women who have anxiety, who want to learn how to make the anxiety work FOR them, instead of against them.  Women who hold high standards for relationships, who can be flexible AND set boundaries.

I can help you get your life back by connecting with you in our sessions in meaningful ways. Through a LOT of training and education, I've got lots of ways to help my clients.

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Additional Credentials

I am actually licensed in 4 states (Virginia, Texas, Arizona and Maryland) and have been a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist since 2013 and in 2015 received my Supervisor designation for this credential so I also do a lot of supervision for other providers who want to specialize in treating eating disorders.  

In working with eating disorders, I use a range of behavioral as well as emotion, brain and attachment based therapies.  I am intensively trained in Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and have also received advanced training in Emotion Focused Family Therapy.  In working with many individual clients on various relationship concerns, I utilize the knowledge I received in Gottman Level 1 Training for this work.  In fact, I even created a 30 episode podcast called Better Wife Better Life that highlights many of these principles in relatable ways from my own life!  Finally, I am certified in EMDR and use many aspects of this work with clients.

The majority of my volunteer work goes to the International Association for Eating Disorders Professionals as I serve on their Certification Committee and Supervision Subcommittee.

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Other Tools from Harmony Therapy Group

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Eating Disorders