Andrew Jordan Nance - Mindful Arts Logo

Andrew Jordan Nance - Mindful Arts

  • Facilitator

  • Bachelor's Theater

  • In practice since 2014

  • On Mindstead since 2020

  • San Francisco, California, United States of America

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Tools favorited 18 times

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Tools favorited 18 times

About This Practitioner

Andrew Nance is the Founder and Lead Trainer for Mindful Arts San Francisco (MASF). Additionally, he offers trainings and assemblies around the globe for libraries, schools, and school districts to provide the principles of mindfulness to students and staff. His mindfulness training comes from Mindful Schools, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Omega and Esalen. A graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, for almost two decades, he was the Conservatory Director of The New Conservatory Theatre Center, providing educational theater experiences for thousands of Bay Area youth and adults. Mindful Arts.

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Additional Credentials

Andrew Nance is the author of four Mindfulness books: MINDFUL ARTS in the CLASSROOM, PUPPY MIND, THE LION IN ME, and THE BAREFOOT KING.

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Other Tools from Andrew Jordan Nance - Mindful Arts

Mindful Museum
Mindful Breathing
Emotional Musical Chairs